Jun 6, 2023Liked by Justin O'Donnell

No one can save it. We are a Republic!!! We are a representative Republic!!! We are NOT a democracy.

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we WERE a representative republic, I don't think the people have been represented in a long long time though...

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Jun 7, 2023Liked by Justin O'Donnell

Yes, our government is corrupted by parasites, but it is still a republic. Our founding fathers were deathly afraid of democracy and wanted no part of it.

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By saying"Our" you make me think that you signed the CONstituion, which after all is a CONtract that no one alive signed let alone is obligated to this CONtract they did not sign.

What is more amazing is people live their life by this contract where the signatores have all been dead for two centuries believeing they are the founders posterity when they are not.

There is zero that obligates you to this fiction other than ones inability to think and see the deception. If one does not think about their situation people will become immersed in what is known as Tacit Consent when you did not actually consent to this system of enFORCEment, Theft, War, Debt Slavery.....and yet interact with it ignorantly.

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Are you a collectivist?

Truth is it does not matter if you are a republic, communist, monarchy, dictator, socialist, fascist, national socialist, democracy...etc...etc.... for all the aforementioned political ideologies require COLLECTIVISM and enFORCEment.

Now if you think collectivizing people by using enFORCEment is good well you might be a bit mixed up.

Also the founding Fathers were Wealthy British Americans living in British America and all they did was establish the british system of finance and law in america as well as the organization (USA) to run it all.

Yea sure the Redcoats piled their arms at Yorktown, but did the founders abolish all that the King had chartered, decreed...etc..... No! It was business as usual just like after any other war.

Look at the founders they were merchants, land owners, lawyers, military men, doctors look at congress and the senate today full of lawyers, military men, doctors, merchants.

You are right the republic cannot be saved and it should not be saved!

Lysander Spooner was correct when he said this about the CONstituion:

"But whether the Constitution really be one thing, or another, this much is certain - that it has either authorized such a government as we have had, or has been powerless to prevent it. In either case, it is unfit to exist" ----Lysander Spooner

Mankind needs to rid itself of this system of enFORCEment we are FORCED to live in/by.

Voting for Strangers to protect the people has to be one of the most absurd thoughts ever.

Voting and /or supporting government in any way shape or form only proliferates the tyranny.

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Jun 6, 2023Liked by Justin O'Donnell

No he can’t I’ve just seen a picture of him marching and embracing the Israeli flag , they killed his father and uncle after all 🤷‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️🤷‍♂️

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I believe you are likely correct

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No!!! Only Lisa Kennedy Montgomery can save fucking democracy!!!!

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